Joint replacement surgeries returning to normalcy



Joint replacement surgeries returning to normalcy

Joint replacement surgeries returning to normalcy

- Dr Ramneek Mahajan, Senior Director (Orthopaedics) & Head Joint Reconstruction (Hip & Knee) Unit, Max Hospital, Saket


Amid the prediction of the third wave of COVID pandemic, people are caught up in a situation where they are experiencing fast progressing joint ailments. Immobility, isolation and inability to go out of the houses has created an upsurge in the number of patients reaching out for joint problems making their condition worse.


While mobility helps in prolonging the joint life, prevent stiffness and maintains overall wellness, but due to the pandemic, life has become more sedentary and the outpatient clinics are now being flooded with patients having accelerated joint dysfunction.


COVID-19 pandemic has created infinite uncertainties and has plagued the world with poverty, agony and sickness. Vaccination drive is on, government is putting all efforts to vaccinate the entire population and create a safe heaven once again. A recent survey shows that 45-50% patients who need joint replacement are postponing their surgeries because of pandemic as they are confused and stressed.


We have come far ahead in terms of patient care since the day 1st lockdown was announced. Having set the protocols, fast track surgeries, easy home based physio therapy protocols, teleconferencing, and stronger patient education system. Having practicing modern and advanced post surgery care protocols since long time, we have strengthened them more during this COVID situation. Duration of hospital stay for joint replacement surgeries have also been reduced to 3-4 days while for trauma surgeries, 1 day. The fear of unknown is largely gone amongst the patients and surgeons and they are more confident in performing surgeries in COVID situation.


While many patients approach with a dilemma whether to undergo the surgery now or not, but it is uncertain what is coming next and this is the right and best time for surgery when the COVID cases are minimal.


As per the records presented by Max Hospital Saket, over 100 patients with COVID infection have undergone joint replacement surgeries since the inception last year and the outcome has been same irrespective of the COVID condition. Few patients who had COVID infection (unrelated to surgery/hospital admission) months after the surgery, also did not have a different course of sickness from the general population. Thus, people are advised not to panic but to be careful of the infection, and undergo surgeries wherever necessary.  


We also want to take this opportunity to convey patient that they should not be afraid of COVID but be careful. There is no point in bearing the pain or abuse oneself with pain killers. Get yourself tested. Do not have preconceived notions about pandemic. Do not blindly believe in misinformation coming to you. Get vaccinated as early as possible. Talk to your doctor. Educate yourself. Respect social distancing, practice hand hygiene and do not remove mask in public places. Mask, hygiene, social distancing and vaccine are the simple solution to fight COVID.