Sudden Cardiac Death: A Silent Threat That Can Be Prevented



Sudden Cardiac Death: A Silent Threat That Can Be Prevented

Sudden Cardiac Death: A Silent Threat That Can Be Prevented

By: Dr Bimal Chhajer

Sudden Cardiac Death has been making headlines lately and thus there is a dire need to shed light on this pressing issue and raise awareness. People often come across distressing incidents where individuals succumb to this silent threat without any warning. While accidents and disasters capture the news, sudden cardiac death demands our attention equally.

Unlike accidents, which can happen within moments, sudden cardiac death is often a result of heart-related conditions. The leading cause of SCA is heart disease, particularly blockages in the heart’s arteries. Astonishingly, about 95% of adults who suffer from sudden cardiac death have these blockages. When these blockages restrict blood flow to the heart, it can trigger a heart attack, ultimately leading to sudden cardiac death.

Several other factors can also contribute to sudden cardiac death, including accidental incidents, intense physical exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, and drug overdoses. However, it is important to highlight that the majority of cases are closely associated with heart disease.

The heart’s arteries play a critical role in supplying blood to different parts of this vital organ. Among these arteries, the left artery is responsible for providing blood to around 70% of the heart. Blockages in this artery can lead to a severe heart attack, culminating in sudden cardiac death.

Preventive measures are of utmost importance, particularly for individuals with a history of heart disease or those with risk factors such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity, or a family history of heart disease. Regular check-ups, including coronary angiography, can effectively identify blockages and potential risks, enabling timely interventions and treatments.

Sudden cardiac death is a serious concern that demands our attention. Understanding the risk factors and prioritizing regular check-ups can significantly reduce the likelihood of this unfortunate event. Embracing a healthy lifestyle, engaging in regular exercise, and managing risk factors can collectively protect our hearts and decrease the risk of sudden cardiac death.

As a heart specialist, I am dedicated to providing information on heart health and promoting non-invasive treatments at our heart center. Our mission is to educate and empower individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles, preventing cardiac incidents. I urge the people to spread awareness about sudden cardiac death to help save lives.

Remember, knowledge is power, and together, we can combat this silent threat and ensure a healthier future for all.

The writer is Director, SAAOL Heart Centre